Upcoming Meetings:
Windstream Kinetic will be working on supplying high-speed internet to Midlake Dr. this winter and expects service to be available sometime in April 2025.
The SID thanks John Pfeifler Photography for allowing use of his lake photos for this site.
Click HERE for USACE Weekly Update
Click HERE for NRD Hazard Mitigation Flyer
Click HERE for FEMA Public Notice DR-4420-NE
Click HERE for NEMA Press Releases
LAKE CONDITION: NORMAL WINTER LEVEL (<936' ASL) Lake Level: CLICK HERE for annual plan Projects: If you plan to do work or improvement projects, please be sure to meet with or have your contractors meet with Jim Noerrlinger prior to commencing any work or digging. This is especially important if you plan to do any building or digging near the road, water supply, or electric supply. |